With everyone I know searching for a job – part-time or full-time, casual or permanent, at home or at a workplace – it is nice to see that the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney has taken up the challenge. Let’s not call it Job Finder (that name is already taken), let’s call it God Finder.
The archdiocese has published an advertisement for a high-powered Director of Communications The salary is not specified but a quarter of a million dollars ($250,000) is reckoned to be the going rate.
The job description is daunting: “The Catholic Archdiocese is seeking an experienced media professional to be its Director of Communications. The role provides high level advice and support to the Archbishop of Sydney, Auxiliary Bishops, Chancery and agencies of the Archdiocese.”
The current officeholders are dedicated to rid the church of pedophiles, tax evasion, offshore investments and other nefarious conduct not mentioned in the Ten Commandments. At first sight, however, the job looks like a poisoned chalice. It may be easier selling the honourable reputation of the late Kings Cross identity Abe Saffron or the backpacker mass murderer, the late Ivan Milat.
The royal commission into institutionalised child sex did colossal damage to the Catholic Church and its army of apologists, and the clean-up has now begun to stem the disappearance of congregations, donors and bequests.
When Cardinal George Pell was Archbishop of Sydney the diocese did not require a Director of Communications. He had a battery of public relations firms to sell his image to Sydney and Rome.
The selection process has been out-sourced to Horsley & Company Pty Ltd, described as an international firm specialising in executive head-hunting. Founder and CEO Andrew Horsley was a former solicitor with Baker & McKenzie and remains a practising solicitor. His office, on Level 12, 37 Bligh Street, Sydney, has the logical advantage of being close to the Federal Government and State Government offices, as well as the HQ of the Catholic Archdiocese.
So don’t dilly-dally because applications close on 8 October 2021 with the new Director of Communications starting in the New Year. Anyone thinking of applying should first consult their priest, doctor or psychologist.
Many thanks Alex. In this Morrison ‘fabrication a form of truth world’ I needed your spiritual guidance to raise my spirits. Can’t apply for this ‘rescue the Catholic Church’ job as my ‘media presence’ is weak and disrespectful. Is yours any better. With all that loot being paid, we could job share !
Thanks Alex. What you say meaningfully extends Mike Seccombe’s piece in The Saturday Paper which I just caught up with this morning. I don’t think I’ll bother digging out my CV. Two reasons I’d definitely not get the job: I’m a woman also a divorced woman. A third reason would probably be that I don’t believe in the Catholic Church or a Catholic God. In deed I abhor the Catholic Church for it’s hypocrisy, greed …
What’s happened to Katrina Lee, always beside Cardinal Pell here and overseas. And she was brilliant. I’d recommend ex_NSW MLC’s Dorothy Issaksen’s private secretary/researcher who has been working in the Catholic system (but no media experience, or Kerry Myers, ex-editor Catholic Weekly and a bloody good guy! Michael Ross