Greg Sheridan, the pro-American and pro-Zionist appropriately named foreign editor of The Australian, is just back from Israel on a privately sponsored trip.
Sheridan writes in the second column of his article: “I have been spending a week in Israel, and visiting some of the Palestinian territories, under the auspices of the Australia Israel United Kingdom Leadership Dialogu…e.
“This quite unique private organization is the creation of Melbourne businessman Albert Dadon.”
First of all, the so-called dialogue is not “unique”. Over the years, Israel and its big business backers have funded dozens of “dialogues”, “forums”, “friendship” bodies etc.
Albert Dadon is the head of the Ubertas Group, a property and real estate company. One of his employees is Tim Matheson, partner of Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
By accident, his employment coincided with Gillard’s elevation to The Lodge with the support of right-wing Victorian MPs including Michael Danby, the leading Zionist in the federal parliament.
In 2009 Gillard led an Australian delegation to Israel for the founding meeting of the Australian Israel Leadership Forum, another Dadon initiative. Danby was on the junket too and they all met Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.
The founding meeting came six months after the Israeli army’s blitzkrieg on Gaza which killed more than 1300 Palestinians, most of them civilians. The attack was so brutal it shifted worldwide sympathy to the Palestinians and Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud coalition was trying to sanitise its image.
With the toppling of regimes in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and the threatened overthrow of the al-Assad regime in Damascus, Israel is desperate to line-up all its friends for the next stage of its diplomatic warfare against the unalienable right of the Palestinians to have their own homeland.
Step forward Greg Sheridan, foreign editor of The Australian, your services are needed.
Sheridan writes in the second column of his article: “I have been spending a week in Israel, and visiting some of the Palestinian territories, under the auspices of the Australia Israel United Kingdom Leadership Dialogu…e.
“This quite unique private organization is the creation of Melbourne businessman Albert Dadon.”
First of all, the so-called dialogue is not “unique”. Over the years, Israel and its big business backers have funded dozens of “dialogues”, “forums”, “friendship” bodies etc.
Albert Dadon is the head of the Ubertas Group, a property and real estate company. One of his employees is Tim Matheson, partner of Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
By accident, his employment coincided with Gillard’s elevation to The Lodge with the support of right-wing Victorian MPs including Michael Danby, the leading Zionist in the federal parliament.
In 2009 Gillard led an Australian delegation to Israel for the founding meeting of the Australian Israel Leadership Forum, another Dadon initiative. Danby was on the junket too and they all met Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.
The founding meeting came six months after the Israeli army’s blitzkrieg on Gaza which killed more than 1300 Palestinians, most of them civilians. The attack was so brutal it shifted worldwide sympathy to the Palestinians and Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud coalition was trying to sanitise its image.
With the toppling of regimes in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and the threatened overthrow of the al-Assad regime in Damascus, Israel is desperate to line-up all its friends for the next stage of its diplomatic warfare against the unalienable right of the Palestinians to have their own homeland.
Step forward Greg Sheridan, foreign editor of The Australian, your services are needed.