An Australia Day for 21st century Australians … Remembering the Bicentenary of 1988 … Britain’s PM Theresa May and Foreign Minister Boris Johnson in Brexit mess … Will Mrs Windsor’s Commonwealth survive? … Great Crashing Bores continued …. Revisiting Australia Day Everything seems to be changing in this super-charged world. As an example, I can’t…

South Australia: our first nuclear state … Nuclear-powered submarines to be followed by nuclear waste plant … Local government elections test for Coalition, Labor and Greens … NSW Labor Party unredacted … Henry Kissinger, war criminal … Great Bores continued … SA: State of nuclear secrecy Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Premier Jay Weatherill seem…

Fine Cotton “patsy” John Gillespie named in Panama Papers … the Kerry Packer connection revealed … ATO should try something new – collecting taxes … dangers for Malcolm Turnbull in marathon campaign … Mystery man in Panama Papers When the Panama Papers scandal was serialised around the world in April, the media in Australia highlighted…

Federal governments over the past decade have fed Australians the story that there are no Aussie “boots on the ground” in various parts of the Middle East. Those were lies. For the record, let’s understand that Australian “special forces” and other branches of the ADF are operating either officially or unofficially in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria,…

Out to lunch in the Tweed Valley last year I was astonished to learn from my fellow lunchers that everyone at the table, except me, was receiving the old age pension. All were of a mature age, over 65, and had completed their full-time working lives. But all had swish homes or apartments, gleaming upmarket…