Below is a passage from R.S. Whitington, first-class cricketer and journalist. It’s highly relevant today after some graceless commentators rubbished the award this year of a fourth Allan Border medal to the outstanding batsman Steve Smith. By R.S. Whitington Victor Trumper [above], whose name stands as high in Australian cricket as Jack Crawford’s stands in tennis,…

Mount Isa Aboriginal William Barton would unite Australians as GG or President William Barton, an Aboriginal Australian didgeridoo player, composer, teacher and leader, was born in Mount Isa on 4 June 1981. He learned to play from his uncle, an elder of the Wannyi, Lardil and Kalkadunga tribes of Western Queensland. He is widely recognised as one of Australia’s finest traditional didgeridoo players…

Loyal ABC listeners and watchers are appalled, and, as a consequence, the national broadcaster’s ratings are in free-fall. The reason? Regular programming was blacked out so that every radio and TV channel in every State and Territory captured (kidnapped?) an audience devoted entirely to the funeral of Mrs Brenda Windsor and the elevation of her…

For years and years, every time politicians or commentators were asked about adopting a Republic in preference to a Monarchy, they replied: “Let’s not talk about Republicanism now. It’s such awfully bad manners. We should wait until the Queen has died and then we can have that discussion.” Well, folks, the Queen is dead. She…

Mainstream media in Australia is corrupt. There are a few notable exceptions, and they deserve our wholehearted praise and support. The agenda and the tone are set by Murdoch-controlled platforms which include metropolitan tabloids in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, regional papers all over the States and Territories, and Sky News. Queensland is a special case….

‘A Coup in Canberra: The Political Assassination of an Australian Prime Minister’ by Alex Mitchell Reviewed by Michael Smith John Gorton’s literary hero was Ernest Hemingway, who wrote the wartime classic For Whom theBell Tolls after spending time in Spain as a correspondent during the Civil War in the 1930s. Gorton, who once wanted to become…

“The historical and political ride of the decade” – Bob Carr  “The book is totally unpredictable, shot through with zany and erudite qualities. Like a river in Australia’s tropical north, it overflows its banks in all directions. But any reader should fasten their seat-belt, because this is the historical and political ride of the decade,…