Guess who’s coming to dinner

THE right-wing H R Nicholls Society will hold its 32nd annual shindig in Melbourne today with the usual conga-line of trade union haters.
Guest speaker at tonight’s dinner will be Kathy Jackson, national secretary of the Health Services Union.
Yes, that’s the Ms Jackson who is leading the campaign to have Craig Thomson, Labor MP for Dobell, charged with alleged credit card offences and chucked out of parliament.
That, of course, would force a by-election which the Liberals would win, Tony (the Mad Monk) Abbott would have a parliamentary majority and he would become Lord Protector of the Commonwealth.
And yes, that’s the same Ms Jackson whose partner is Michael Lawler, one of the bosses of Fair Work Australia (FWA) which bungled – but strung out – the three-year investigation into Craig Thomson.
The theme of this year’s HR Nicholls conference is “Cost, loss and disruption: Another year of the Fair Work Act.” It’s the sort of agenda designed to attract swamp people and cave-dwellers from the mining houses, banks and law firms.
Tonight’s HRN dinner, at which guests will include guru of the Institute of Private Enterprise Des Moore, will be held at the Travelodge in Docklands.
Anyone wanting to attend the dinner, take photographs and tape-record Ms Jackson’s speech (as well as the triumphant introduction she will be given) should get along to the Travelodge and ask the freedom-fighters for admission.

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