Biden’s last days as US Empire plunges into bankruptcy, hyper-inflation and civil war

US President Joe Biden is 81. He is the oldest President in US history. He ‘’controls’’ the White House, Wall Street, Pentagon, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Treasury and every aspect of home policy and foreign affairs.

He is chiefly responsible for encouraging the Zionist settler State of Israel to regard the Democratic Party of New York, Hollywood and Miami as its strongest world ally. After October 7 last year, Biden condemned the military action of Hamas as “terrorism”, to become the hero of Tel Aviv. He has not only blocked all international attempts to curb Israeli aggression. He has also sent billions of dollars worth of armaments to be used in the Netanyahu regime’s genocidal attack on Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, and now in the bombing of Lebanon.

Similarly, Biden has poured billions of dollars’ worth of missiles and equipment into the war in Ukraine, a war not supported by US chiefs of staff, officers, soldiers or the public.

Joe Biden joined the Democratic Party in 1969 and supported the party’s anti-Black clique until arriving in the White House in 2009 as Vice President to President Barack Obama. At election time, he switched from demonising black Americans as “drug and pipe-smoking layabouts”. With the beaming approval of “Yes, we can” Obama, African-Americans became the apprentices and trade unionists of tomorrow. Biden made this fake commitment after receiving cash endorsement from the notoriously corrupt wing of the AFL-CIO.

It confirmed what was widely known to reporters in Washington and New York – that Biden was rabidly racist and would use black Americans as cannon fodder at election time. Conversely, he greatly admired dictators, money and a fistful of power. He worshipped all three. When he entered the White House in 2009 to serve President Obama as VP, Obama thought he could control Biden’s primitive urges. At first, he had some limited impact, but this diminished when Biden reached the Oval Office in 2021 as US President.

The US media, chiefly led by The New York Times and The Washington Post, entered the fray and painted Biden as a “hero” of America and the world.

Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of books including America, the Farewell Tour, is a current affairs commentator who has begged to differ. In an article called “My Thoughts on Biden dropping out” (July 22) Hedges, also an ordained religious leader, wrote:

“Joe Biden has been discarded by the same billionaire class he assiduously served throughout his political career. Barely able to stumble his way through the words on a TelePrompter, and not always cognizant of what was happening around him, his billionaire supporters pulled the plug. He was their creature – he has been in Federal office for 47 years – from start to finish. He was used as a foil to defeat Bernie Sanders in the 2020 primaries and was anointed as the candidate in 2024 in a Soviet-style primary campaign. The billionaire will now anoint someone else [Kamala Harris]. Democratic Party voters are stage props in this political farce.

“In Hitler and the Germans, the political philosopher Eric Vogelin dismissed the idea that Hitler – gifted in oratory and political opportunism but poorly educated and vulgar – mesmerized and seduced the German people. The Germans, he writes, supported Hitler and the ‘grotesque marginal figures’ surrounding him because he embodied the pathologies of a diseased society, one beset by economic collapse and hopelessness.

Voegelin defines stupidity as a ‘loss of reality’. The loss of reality means a ‘stupid’ person cannot ‘rightly orient his action in the world’… The demagogue, who is always an idiote, is not a freak or social mutation. The demagogue expresses the society’s zeitgeist.

“Biden and the Democratic Party are responsible for this zeitgeist. They orchestrated the de-industrialization of the United States, ensuring that 30 million workers lost their jobs in mass lay-offs … Those undergoing profound economic and political change were told that their suffering stemmed not from rampant militarism and corporate greed but from a threat to national integrity. The old consensus that buttressed New Deal programs and the welfare state was attacked as enabling criminal Black youth, ‘welfare queens’ and other alleged social parasites.

“This opened the door to a faux populism, begun by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, which supposedly championed family values, traditional morality, individual autonomy, law and order, the Christian faith and the return to a mythical past, at least for white Americans. The Democratic Party, especially under President Bill Clinton and President Joe Biden, became largely indistinguishable from the Establishment’s Republican Party to which it is now allied.

“The Democratic Party refuses to accept its responsibility for the capture of democratic institutions by a rapacious oligarchy, the grotesque social inequality, the cruelty of predatory corporations and an unchecked militarism. The Democrats will anoint another amoral politician [Kamala Harris] to use as a mask for outsized corporate greed, the folly of endless war, the facilitation of genocide and the assault on our most basic civil liberties.

“The Democrats, tools of Wall Street, gave us Trump, and the 74 million people who voted for him in 2020. They look set to give us Trump again. God help us.”

At this point, I take exception to Hedges’ reference to God. However, from earlier writings, I know that Hedges is not your typical god-botherer. Indeed, he has declared his opposition to Christianity more than once, and surprised many of his loyal followers by claiming he was an atheist. I remained a loyal reader of his books and journalism because, after all, he is an American and America is a very strange place.

Strangest of all is the fact that a handful of very powerful Democrats have chosen President Biden, who has stumbled around the White House and the world with Parkinson’s Disease, to be allegedly in charge of bring order to the transition of world power to his VP, Kamala Harris – who has just shown her true colours by applauding Israel’s assassination of Hezbollah leader Nasrullah in Beirut.

Biden now has to arrange a domestic coup yet call it a triumph of democracy. At the same time as Biden arranges his coup, he has to get Donald Trump, America’s 45th President, to accept a lifetime amnesty from criminal prosecution for himself, his family and close associates, in return for bowing out of politics and leaving the country. But there is a sticking point:

If Trump refuses to take the deal and go abroad, they will have to kill him. But will a martyred Trump not lead to a Trump revival? A handful of rusted-on Democrats at the White House, the heads of the CIA, the Pentagon and FBI think that Trump is expendable. They want him “rubbed out”: Trump Tower in Manhattan sold off to corporate America, and Trump’s home and golf course in Florida sold too. They want him and his prized possessions to go up in smoke im a fire-sale.

My advice? When the shooting starts, head for the bunker in the backyard. With so many Americans legally armed with automatic military machine-guns, the civil war has begun!

One comment

  1. Dear Alex. Again you have nailed history and the current social/political/militaristic forces of neo-liberalism into a succinct statement We live in and on a tinderbox of vile complexities and compounded with the plight of the Planet we certainly have reached ‘the edge’!!

    Please do not stop writing, Your knowledge in invaluable. I am thrilled to read the ‘passionate guts and insights’ that dominate the readers journey as you present the wisdom and emanations from your writers soul. We all need your input more than ever now. KEEP WRITING. I am sending this article to many friends. Love and admiration. Jo

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